Disappointing audition season?

auditioning inspiration

Sometimes life is majorly disappointing.

I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling this way, right?

....right? RIGHT?!

Whether it's the "adulting" health insurance problems I cried about for hours last week, or the senior showcase outcome I cried about 12 years ago, there's always something!!

(Want that showcase story? It's another blog, not today's saga, ha!)

And for us as actors and creatives, the audition season is something that year after year meets us with ups and downs. Sometimes we're delighted but, to be honest, most of the time, we're met with disappointment!

While things might look shiny and successful to us on the outside, every actor knows that the struggle is real! They're wondering when the next gig is going to come around, if this casting director is going to call them in for a different project, or if they've reached the end of the road with a dream role...

If I've learned anything speaking to very successful, even Tony award winning artists on the Broadway Vocal Coach Podcast, it's that EVEN THOSE PEOPLE can go long stretches between jobs and, at times, feel disillusioned with the industry.

So what are us regular, non-Tony award winners to do?!?

I loved what Emily Kristen Morris shared in this video:

[This audition season] "I auditioned for this one certain role, I wanna say like 15 times. I was in final callbacks so many times for this role, And every time, it went to someone else."

"So here we are, and I'm feeling kinda down about my musical theatre journey, and then THIS comes along."

"This" being a different role and show, something that wasn't top of mind. Something that came along as a bit of a surprise!

She goes on to say, "I guess the moral of the story is you never know what's around the corner. And the minute you start feeling like throwing in the towel, something amazing can come along."

I wanna co-sign this sentiment because I've seen it in my own life too many times to count!

When we can learn to let go of the attachment to one, specific outcome (in Emily's case, that role she went in for 15 times this year!) and stay committed to the overarching goal (working as an actor, however that might look), we can find peace of mind in our circumstances.

It's likely not going to look how we planned!

But isn't it wonderful to leave space for the possibility to be surprised?

And if your big dreams involve college musical theatre auditions and you haven't gotten our free getting-started guide already, get it now! We've got something very exciting to offer you next week, and when you get the free guide it notifies us that you're into that sort of information.

Wishing you some surprising new opportunities headed your way,

โค๏ธ Chelsea

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