Is it time to let it go? 🧑

cynthia kortman westphal inspiration mindset

Is it time to let it go, Hannah?

Cynthia here!

Chelsea and I are so grateful for each and every one of you in our BVC community. It is a gift to be a part of your journey!

As I sit here mulling over what to write in a Thanksgiving blurb, I think of gratitude (obviously!).

But this year, I’m thinking of gratitude in a little bit of a different way.

You may have heard of Marie Kondo, and the KonMari method of decluttering. One of her techniques is to only keep items that spark joy, and to say to the other items, “Thank you for your service!” before tossing them out.

The idea is that this expresses gratitude to your belongings for taking care of you. It’s also a way of saying a proper goodbye so that you can mark the end of your relationship with the item and release it with less guilt and sadness.

Whether or not you subscribe to this method of decluttering, I’d still like to offer this idea as a way to release other things in your life.

For example, maybe there are some songs in your book that no longer reflect who you are. They served you well for a time, but now, you can thank them for their service and let them go.

Or maybe it’s the mindset that you have to work twice as hard to prove that you are a singer, and not “just a dancer.” (Or vice versa!)

Perhaps this mindset served you well for a time—and helped you devote the time and effort needed to make the transition—but now, you can thank that mindset for its service and release it!

Or perhaps it’s a belief that you’ll never learn how to belt, or sing rock/pop music. Even a limiting belief like this can help us feel protected and safe in the moment.

But maybe now you are ready to thank that belief for its service—“thank you for keeping me in my comfort zone at a time when I needed to feel safe”—and move on from that belief!

Whatever it is, as you consider what to be thankful for (and wish to keep), I encourage you to also consider expressing gratitude for things that no longer serve you, and (sing it with me) LET IT GO!

Thank you for being part of our community.

We wish you and yours the happiest Thanksgiving πŸ₯°

🧑 Cynthia 


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