This wasn't working 😩

Every year around this time we start to get emails and DM's that go something like this:

"I didn't realize your college prep course had already started, I missed the deadline to join!"

"I'm way behind on my college prescreens, can you help me?"

"I can't make the investment for your live audition prep program, do you have any other resources for me? I'm at a loss!"

Like clockwork, August, September, and October come along and all the high school seniors (and their stressed out parents!) realize:

"Oh crap. I need help. Like, YESTERDAY." 🀦‍β™€οΈπŸ˜¬

Well here's the issue. Here at Broadway Vocal Coach we run a slim operation.

If you've been around for a while, you'll know that every summer we run our live, four-month college prep program, BVC Aspire. We call it a "boutique" program because we only take 20 students and are highly dedicated to offering a bespoke, personalized experience for each of those students and their families.

When we started the program the first year, there was just five of us running the show. Cynthia and myself, a performance coach (at the time it was the marvelous Katie Johannigman, who doubled as the dance coach #triplethreat), a monologue consultant, and our fearless operations manager Casey.

In year two, we expanded! The team included Cynthia and myself, a program director (Julie Kavanagh is as organized as she is talented–that is to say, VERY!), a dance coach, three performance coaches, and our operations manager.

And this year, we grew juuuuust a little bit more! Julie is back as program director, as is Marjorie Failoni as assistant program director and dance coach, plus a team of FIVE performance coaches, and Casey making sure the whole thing happens on time and with the right Zoom links πŸ€ͺ

But even still, despite how the BVC Aspire program has grown, come late summer or fall, if you're looking for college musical theatre audition help, we've got nothing for you! I'm so sorry!

Until now!

See, we've gotten a little smarter (lol, is that correct grammar???) over the last few years.

So Cynthia and I put our heads together and wondered.... hmmm....

Is there a way to help students who:

  • get started with their prescreen/application prep later in the season?
  • alternatively, want to get started really early?
  • need an expert to guide them through this, but they're on a limited budget?
    already have a voice teacher helping them out, they just need guidance with all the logistics of this specific application process.
  • is a parent and doesn't have the time or energy to become an expert in this niche aspect of college applications!
    Why yes, I believe there is!

We pooled all of our expertise, all of the resources, lists, guidelines, timelines, tips, and advice into something brand new.

Introducing... ASPIRE DIY!

Inside our new online course, we'll tell you exactly what to do to go from SCARED to SUBMITTED!

See? A little creative thinking can go a long way!

We're so excited for more students and their families to get all of our expertise in one, easy-to-implement online course experience.

We're coming up on three years since we founded Broadway Vocal Coach, and what a journey it has been!

From starting with a single membership program (what has now evolved to be BVC Studio), to now offering online courses, a masterclass subscription, a podcast, and even some in-person live events! It's wild.

If you're reading this, thank you for being part of the BVC Community. No, YOU ARE THE COMMUNITY! Not just part of it! Your goals, dreams, messages, comments, and requests of what you want to see from us... you make this what it is.

Thank you!

❀️ Chelsea

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