What's In and What's Out for 2025!


Chelsea here! Happy New Year!

It's January 8th and there's a good chance you may already be over the reflections and resolutions that come with the New Year.

In total honesty, my husband had his first come apart last night that he wasn't making progress with his goals so far.

And I was like,


Let's give ourselves some grace, shall we? That goes for you too.

I'm not really into resolutions, per se, and I'm definitely not into setting goals attached to outcomes I have no control over (I see you: Broadway debut. Cross it off the list, my friend!).

What I AM into is getting my mindset wrapped around positive intentions for the year.

And refocusing on practices that get me closer to my dreams.

So with that, let me share with you:

(Some of our) IN'S for 2025

  • Reaching out to someone in your network weekly. Our business boils down to two things: skills (training, talent, etc), and relationships. Don't put all your eggs in the first basket and wonder where you're coming up short.
  • Investing in professional relationships when you don’t need anything from anyone. As director Sam Scalamoni said in a recent Industry Guest Masterclass for our BVC members: "Networking is not asking for a job. Checking in and updating people is the way to go, I'm always happy to get an update and hear from people. [But] When the national tour of Beauty and the Beast gets announced, suddenly my email is blowing up... I appreciate that and I understand where you're coming from, but... where have you been for the past several years?"
  • Posting updated media on your site that you’re proud of. People are checking you out online so you might as well show them something you love!
  • Singing because it feeds your soul.
  • Investing in the course/certification/class so you can up-level your side hustle into a job you actually love. Because putting all the pressure on your art and performing life to pay your bills is likely not sustainable! You deserve to have a work life that you enjoy and that draws on your skills and passions.

(Some of our) OUT'S for 2025

  • Doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. Major points to you for the efforts you ARE making in your career! Showing up to auditions, sending out self-tapes, etc. But if you're not seeing any traction, it may be time to get creative and try new ways to make inroads in your theatre community.
  • Only vocalizing and working out your voice in the day(s) before an audition. If I had a nickel for every time someone booked a voice lesson in the days before an important audition... after months of no singing, no practice, and no lessons... I'd have a lot of nickels! Keep up your instrument just like you'd keep up your physical fitness.
  • Trying to guess what the people behind the table want. But if you're gonna guess, at least guess that they're saying FABULOUS things about you, ok?!?
  • Attaching your worth as an artist to an audition outcome. A singer sings. A dancer dances. You are still an artist independent of your contract status.
  • Forgetting to hydrate. NOT ON MY WATCH!
  • Not prioritizing sleep. *Screams to myself at midnight:* "Put down the phone and go to sleep Chelsea!!!!!!"
  • Letting fear keep you from pursing your dream. Not in 2025, friends! The only thing I'm afraid of is getting to tomorrow and regretting the chances I didn't take today.

Read the rest of our In's and Out's here, and chime in with your own, why dontcha?

💙 Chelsea Wilson

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