I went to the instacare twice in three days 🀧

inspiration mindset vocal health

Chelsea here!

Over Thanksgiving break, my family and I traveled to Salt Lake City to spend the holiday with my husband's family.

Of course, OF COURSE, my two girls got sick while we were out of town. (And it's not the holiday season till you're out of state and taking kids to the instacare, is it?? 🫠)

Not just a little sick. Little Bea (11 months) woke up on Thanksgiving morning wheezing, nose crusted over, and saaaaaad.

There's nothing like a Thanksgiving morning run to the grocery store, but not for cranberry sauce! Instead for the entire supply of pediatric cough and cold remedies.

One trip to the instacare later, an oral steroid, and (finally) some good sleep and she started to perk up.

Just in time for Flora, my three-year-old, to come down with the same thing!

Another trip to the instacare!

Lots of cuddles with sad little girls (not complaining about that), and most of our social plans to see family and friends wiped off the schedule (yes, complaining about that), and Thanksgiving break was over and back home to Raleigh we flew.

Which brings us to: This weekend we're gearing up for another flight to Utah for the holidays... because we are dumb and gluttons for punishment I guess?

Two cross-country trips at the holidays in one season... we did not think this through!!

But here we are and we are crossing fingers for decent flights with two wiggly girls, minimal sickness, and an enjoyable time with our family. 🀞

Are you also sick this time of year?

It always seems like when weather cools down, singers' voices and general well-being go out the window πŸ˜…

And for good reason!

The end of the year tends to be the busiest for performers.

End-of-semester recitals, holiday party performances, caroling gigs, church choirs or cantoring... the list goes on and on.

If you're struggling with your vocal (and overall!) health this time of year, here's some important tips:

What are your tried and true tips for staying healthy and able to perform in winter? I want to hear what works for you!

πŸ’™ Chelsea Wilson

P.S. The BVC team is offline and taking a break through January 6th! Catch you in the new year, friends!

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