Remembering Gavin Creel πŸ’™

Written By: Chelsea

I can't help but feel incredibly emotional as I write this.

But I couldn't let another day go by without honoring the incredible artist, advocate, and human being that was Gavin Creel.

There are three pictures that sum up the impact he had on me personally, and I want to share them with you.

In 2010, I was on a study abroad in London, the same time HAIR was playing on the West End, starring Gavin Creel. At the time I was a student at the University of Michigan, his alma mater. I took a gamble and waited outside the stage door before half hour, hoping to catch him. He probably thought I was a little crazy, running up to him on his way into the theatre, but I introduced myself as a Michigan MT and told him I was seeing the show that night. And he could not have been more gracious, excited, and welcoming. He invited me to come backstage after the show and we took a picture together which quickly became a prized possession. I couldn’t believe I met my hero and he was so… kind.


In 2017, I had been out of school for a few years and was establishing my life and career in New York; not as a performer like I had originally dreamed, but as a voice teacher. I reached a major milestone in my teaching journey and the news was shared on the Michigan MT Facebook page. When I saw the post, I could not believe what I saw. There I was, featured immediately next to a post about Gavin Creel, my hero. I took a screenshot right then and have saved it in my pictures folder all these years. Despite these posts being completely unrelated and just happened to be next to each other... I took it as a good omen and have treasured it ever since.


In 2023, Cynthia invited Gavin to come on the Broadway Vocal Coach Podcast. Cynthia has had a long-time personal and professional relationship with Gavin so she made the request, and when I tell you I had never felt more giddy/nervous/awe-struck to have him on the podcast... I mean it. Gavin Creel was coming on my podcast? I was interviewing him? I took some screenshots during the interview and thought, "Wow... how lucky to be sharing (virtual) air space with Gavin. What a gift this is."


What kind of inspiration does a person have to be for me to have treasured these pictures for the last 14 years? Really, a screenshot of a social media post??? Maybe I'm nutty for that to have had any personal significance... but the connecting thread through it all is Gavin.

Everyone who knew him, even for five minutes, felt seen and special. His talent and his voice were unmatched. He inspired so many of us performers to get into this field and try to be our very best.

I keep thinking of legacy and impact... and the gifts he is leaving behind.

He talked about this on the podcast episode and it strikes me again now:

What haven't you made that you want to make? What haven't you done yet that you want to?

These words are haunting me today, realizing how quickly life can take a devastating turn.

I'm going to let those words keep ringing in my ears and use them as fuel to keep living, to keep creating, to keep being. Life is too short not to be who you are meant to be and create what you are inspired to create.

We cannot left self-consciousness or fear of failure hold us back from living life.

May his memory be a blessing to us always.

πŸ’™ Chelsea

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