The Parents' Perspective: College Musical Theatre Auditions! How to support your child and stay sane in the process

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Written By: Chelsea and Cynthia

Featuring:  BVC Aspire Alumni Parents Rachel Hart Klayman and Erica Fischer

The college audition process for musical theater is one of the most unique and intense journeys a student can go through. But behind every aspiring performer is a parent, equally invested in helping them navigate applications, auditions, and the emotional rollercoaster that comes with it.

To gain insight into what this process is really like from a parent’s perspective, we sat down with Erica Fischer and Rachel Hart Klayman—two moms who have been through it all.

Rachel is from Ann Arbor, Michigan, and her daughter is currently a sophomore at NYU Tisch. Erica, from Ames, Iowa, is in the thick of the process, with her daughter Maddie wrapping up her college auditions this year. Both bring unique perspectives on what it’s like to support a child through this journey.

Q: Rachel, your daughter is now a sophomore, so you’ve had some time to reflect. How familiar were you with the college audition process before you started it?

Rachel: I’m a researcher by nature, so once I realized my daughter was serious about musical theater, I dove in. I had seen older students in her youth theater program go through the process, and I knew it was a huge undertaking.

I read a book written by a head of an MT program that broke down the audition process—how to choose material, what to expect—but even after reading it, I still thought, Okay, but how do you actually do this? That’s when I knew we’d need extra guidance.

Q: And Erica, what about you?

Erica: The exact opposite! I work in college admissions, but musical theater auditions are a completely different world. In my job, if a student tells me their GPA and test scores, I can tell them their chances of admission. But with musical theater, talent and artistic fit play a huge role.

Neither my husband nor I have a musical background, so when Maddie decided this was her path, we felt completely overwhelmed. We had no idea where to begin. That’s when we started looking for coaching programs to guide us.

Q: Both of you worked with BVC Aspire. At what point did you decide you needed a coaching program?

Rachel: Pretty early on. Even with all my research, I knew there were so many moving parts—choosing the right songs, prepping for pre-screens, understanding audition expectations. I have no musical background, so I wanted to make sure my daughter had the best possible preparation.

Also, as a parent, it’s nice to not be the one constantly checking in. With my older child, who went through a traditional college admissions process, we hired a college essay coach just to reduce the stress between us. Having a coach for musical theater allowed me to support my daughter without micromanaging her.

Erica: For us, it started with social media. Maddie found BVC Aspire through Instagram, and we attended a masterclass they hosted.

After that, I told Maddie, We need this. Even though I work in college admissions, I knew that BVC Aspire could offer her more than I could. They provided structure, organization, and accountability, which took so much stress off our shoulders.

Q: Even with coaching, parents play a big role. What were some ways you supported your child?

Rachel: I focused on following her lead. We have a close relationship, and she’s the type of person who communicates what she needs, so I tried to be present but not overbearing.

I also made sure to offload my own stress elsewhere. If I was feeling anxious about an audition, I’d vent to friends or family instead of my daughter. I needed to be a calm, steady presence for her.

Erica: That’s so important. For me, my husband was my safe space. If I was feeling emotional or stressed, I’d talk to him so that Maddie didn’t have to carry my anxiety on top of her own.

One of the best pieces of advice I got was to ask my child what they needed from me in the moment. At Chicago Unifieds, I’d stop and ask, What can I do for you? What do you need right now?

Sometimes, she just needed quiet time alone to decompress, listen to music, or text her friends. Other times, she needed reassurance. At the end of the trip, she told me, Mom, you were exactly what I needed this week. That meant everything to me.

Q: Parents often turn to Facebook groups and online forums for advice. What are your thoughts on those spaces?

Erica: We were warned early on to stay away. But of course, curiosity got the best of me—I took a peek.

I immediately saw posts where parents were listing every school their child applied to, who passed pre-screens, and which offers they had received. It felt like a competition, and I knew that wasn’t helpful for us. So Maddie and I made the decision to avoid them entirely.

Instead, she found a supportive community through BVC Aspire. She connected with other students in the program, and they hyped each other up during auditions. That was the kind of support she needed.

Rachel: I wish I had followed Erica’s approach. I lurked in those groups, and honestly, it added a lot of unnecessary stress.

There’s a selection bias—people tend to post about their big wins, not their struggles. That creates a false sense of what’s “normal” in this process. Also, there was a lot of overanalyzing—parents trying to decode pre-screen results or guess when schools would send decisions.

If I could do it again, I’d stay away from the forums and focus on trusted resources instead.

The college audition process is a marathon, not a sprint, and parents play a crucial role in providing support, stability, and encouragement.

For Erica and Rachel, working with BVC Aspire gave their children the preparation and confidence they needed to navigate this journey—while also relieving stress and uncertainty for them as parents.

If you’re a parent going through this process, remember: you don’t have to do it alone. Find trusted mentors, listen to your child’s needs, and know that they will find the right path for them.


The Musical Theatre College Audition Process is unique and can be a rollercoaster ride, but with information, preparation, organization, and a solid support system, you can turn this journey into an exciting step toward your future.

If you’re ready for expert guidance and personalized support, join us in BVC Aspire!

BVC Aspire is a four-month full-service program designed to guide you every step of the way. From choosing schools to preparing prescreens and acing your auditions, we’re here to help.

Learn more and save your spot here:

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