What Can You Do With A Degree In Musical Theatre?


Young musical theater performers are faced with a huge decision early in their lives. Should I go to school for musical theater or not? This decision impacts their careers, their prospects, their finances, and their family.

But few young artists think through the implications of pursuing a BFA in musical theater, and we get it. It is overwhelming, and it's a route less taken when it comes to post-high school education. 

So ... what can you do with a degree in musical theatre? 

The short answer is - that the perfect career path does not exist. Never be afraid to pivot. It's easy to feel embarrassed if you have to stray from what you originally set out to accomplish, but know that you can create something wonderful and sustainable for yourself on the other side of that feeling. Be honest with yourself and pursue what feels right in your soul. 

But that being said, there are so many amazing opportunities that become available to those who pursue a BFA in Musical Theatre. 

With the training and resources provided by BFA programs, you'll be well prepared for a career on the stage, whether that be on Broadway, Off-Broadway, or anywhere in between.

There are also benefits to a degree in musical theatre that extend beyond the preparation for professional performance. 

BVC co-founder and coach Chelsea Wilson is a shining example of using her BFA degree to build a career off-stage. 

After graduating college, she did some professional performing that aligned with the performance aspect of her degree. But for the most part, her time post-grad was spent investing in her vocal teaching career. In reflecting on her post-grad path, she recognizes the ways that her degree impacted her success. 

First, the scope of her training at school has proven useful, as she now feels equipped as a musical theater expert.

Daily, she uses that knowledge and even her performance experience to work as a well-qualified coach. She's able to feel empathetic towards my students, as she understands the demands placed on them.

Second, her performance training allows her to speak confidently.

She feels empowered to present ideas and information within her business with clarity. She's had a number of roles and jobs where she's been a spokesperson to teach classes because people recognize her confidence. 

And finally, the long-lasting relationships that she has gained.

The people that she met in college have become colleagues and created a network that has allowed her to catapult her teaching career. BVC quite literally exists because Chelsea chose to pursue her BFA degree and met Cynthia as her professor! 

It's for those reasons (and many more) that a degree in musical theatre can be beneficial even far beyond the stage. For example, with a BFA degree, you could become:

  • A vocal teacher or coach
  • A performance coach or teacher (In schools, clinics, camps, etc!)
  • A public speaker 
  • A broadcaster 
  • A customer service specialist 
  • A content creator 
  • A director 
  • Involved in set or costume design
  • A directors assistant 
  • A salesperson 
  • A customer/front-facing role in a company

...the list could go on forever.

A degree in musical theatre can be the stepping stone to a self-guided career path. But that needs to come from a place of self-motivation and a willingness to put in the work every day because you want to be doing it - not because someone else is going to tell you to do it.

Whatever you decide to pursue post-grad with a musical theatre degree, be proud of the time and effort you put into achieving it, and know that those experiences will play into your success - regardless of the line of work you fall into. 

If you're interested in exploring other interesting musical theatre conversations - check out the Broadway Vocal Coach podcast! Or check us out on Instagram, and get involved in the conversation! 

And if you’re ready to get expert mentorship and ongoing training, then you’re invited to join us inside the BVC membership. Book a free consult with us - we can’t wait to hear your story and help you take the next step in your career.

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